Meet the Lindwall-Thomas Family!


Meet biological siblings Dylan, Amber, and Natalie, three well-adjusted young children who win the hearts of all who know them.   

A “huge Star Wars fan,” five-year-old Dylan also loves baseball, swimming, and football. Looking at this active, energetic little boy today, one would never guess that he started life as a fragile, premature infant. Intelligent, articulate Amber (3) follows her big brother around imitating his play. She also loves dolls and dress-up paraphernalia. Baby sister Natalie, who is fourteen months old, clearly adores her older siblings, laughing and smiling whenever she sees them. A curious, inquisitive toddler, Natalie is trying to walk on her own and is mastering new words every day. Thanks to the unconditional commitment of their adoptive parents, Brian and Erik Lindwall-Thomas, this sweet trio is assured of growing up together and being able to maintain their sibling connections. 

What led these gentlemen to adoption through foster care? “We have always wanted to have children! We met and became friends with a few social workers who introduced us to the idea of adoption through the Department of Children and Families. We knew there were so many children that need a good, stable, and loving home.” 

Further encouragement came from observing friends who had adopted through foster care and seeing how rewarding the experience was for them. Brian and Erik came to the realization that they too “could make a true difference in a child’s life.” They explain, “We knew it was something that we just had to do. So we started the process with DCF and within two months of being licensed we had our first placement of Dylan and Amber (then ages two years and newborn), and we have continued since.”

As evidence of their deep respect for sibling connections, Brian and Erik did not hesitate in expressing their interest when informed about Natalie, Dylan and Amber’s biological sister. Not only have they incorporated her into the family, they are now providing foster care for an infant boy who is also a full sibling. If his parents’ rights are terminated, they hope to adopt him as well. 

The children also have other birth siblings with whom the family maintains contact. “We get together quite often and send cards and pictures and updates. All of the children know and understand that they are siblings and accept that although they may have different parents and live in different places, we are all one BIG family. That makes the world of difference for them.”

The Lindwall-Thomases offer this message to members of Congress: “One of the MOST important things for Congress to think about and understand is that there are all types of loving families that want to adopt and that can provide good, stable and loving homes for all of these children who are in foster care.” 

Brian and Erik are aware that in some states same-sex couples are allowed to be foster parents, but not adopt. They see this as a double standard that must be corrected. “Adoption laws are a state by state issue; however, the federal government needs to make it a federal issue. These children are our future, our hope. Anyone can have a child but not anyone can be a true parent like foster and adoptive families. We are very grateful to live in a state where co-parent adoption exists and same-sex couples are able to adopt.”  


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