About Voice for Adoption
Our Mission
Voice for Adoption advocates, educates, and collaborates to advance federal policies that promote and sustain permanence for children and youth in foster care.
Our Vision of Success
All children and youth in foster care in the U.S. will have a safe, loving, supported and permanent family.
What We Do
We work with members of congress, policy makers, partner organizations, and agencies to encourage sound policies that are in the best interest of our nation’s waiting foster children.
Voice for Adoption (VFA) advocates for the safety and well-being of children in foster care.
VFA holds briefings on foster and adoption issues on Capitol Hill.
VFA works on special projects focused on raising awareness around the needs of foster and adoptive youth, and the families that adopt them.
VFA strives to ensure the foster care and adoption issues remain at the forefront our policy maker's attention.
Our History
Voice for Adoption was established in 1996 to provide a permanent mechanism to shape the public debate regarding:
the needs of children who are growing up without families of their own;
the lifelong consequences for the development of these children and their later functioning as adults when they continue to be forgotten;
the positive potential of adoption to meet the needs of these children; and
the benefits to the community of providing ongoing support for families who adopt the children
VFA is a bi-partisan force, which shapes the future by providing accurate information on adoption issues, encouraging prompt adoption of waiting children, and supporting sound public policy in adoption.