Past Family Portrait Projects
2020: 16th Annual Adoptive Family Portrait Project
On Wednesday, November 18th, 2020, we were grateful to have our Adoptive Family Portrait Project reception! This year's theme: 2020: A Year of Unprecedented Challenges - Adoptive Families Demonstrating Resilience
At the briefing, we heard from Senate Congressional Coalition on Adoption members, including Senator Roy Blunt from Missouri, Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon, and Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa. Senator Blunt spoke upon the 420,000 children in foster care and the necessity of helping these children pre and post-adoption. On behalf of Senator Grassley, his legislative assistant Liesel Crocker defined foster care as a bi-partisan issue that, to be improved upon, needed to be addressed by both parties. Families participating in this year's portrait project were also able to share their adoption stories and the policy recommendations to better the foster care and child welfare system.
Thank you to our sponsors Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, Casey Family Programs, Centene, NW Resources, and Annie E Casey.
2019: 15th Annual Adoptive Family Portrait Project
Voice For Adoption held its annual Adoptive Family Portrait Project Briefing and National Adoption Month Celebration on Wednesday, November 13th, 2019. This years theme was “Family means no one gets left behind”. Families are a team and each member should be valued. No child is too old or too traumatized to be adopted. No child should be left behind from by going back into the system and no family should struggle or fall apart when adoption services could keep them together.
This event allowed us to celebrate and honor families from across the nation who have adopted from foster care and honor individuals, organizations, and members of Congress who have been champions to the children and families affected by the foster care system. This event also aims to educate members of Congress on the need support and reform in the foster care and adoption systems during National Adoption Month.
This year, we had 47 participating adoptive families, and 47 members of Congress from states all across the United States. Attendees included Nevada’s Congresswoman Susie Lee (https://susielee.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-susie-lee-meets-constituents-adoptive-family-national-adoption-month-event), Puerto Rico’s Congresswoman Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon, 6 participating adoptive families, board members, and various related organizations.
Adoptive Family Portrait Project Briefing and National Adoption Month Celebration on Wednesday, November 13th, 2019
Securing lifelong connections for teens in foster care, both legally and emotionally, is a critical component in determining their future achievements, health, and well-being. Through adoption, both young and older youth are connected to a family that can provide a sense of stability, lasting connections, and guidance with important life obstacles. Every child, regardless of age, deserves the love and stability that a family can offer.
Every child - no matter their age - deserves the love and stability that a family can offer. While more than 125,000 children and teens wait and almost 20,000 age out of care without finding a family, we must maintain our fight against efforts to discriminate against certain types of prospective adoptive families based on their sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, or marital status and strive to build stable, loving, lasting connections and guidance to prospective and current families and children involved in the adoption and foster care systems.
2019 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
2019 Participating Members of Congress
2018: 14th Annual Adoptive Family Portrait Project
This event is an important opportunity to celebrate families who adopted from foster care in the U.S. In recognition of National Adoption Month, thank and celebrate all adoptive families throughout the country.
Nationally, this year's theme is "In Their Own Words: Lifting Up Youth Voices." Let us encourage everyone to elevate youth voice, and emphasize the importance of how to use their powerful insights to help shape the future of child welfare and adoption practice.
Across the United States each year there are thousands of older teens waiting to be adopted from foster care. Unfortunately, teenagers are less likely to be adopted, and are more likely to age out of foster care without strong family support.
Adoptive Family Portrait Project Briefing and National Adoption Month Celebration, November 2018
Every child deserves a family and there is a critical need for all Americans to become aware and involved. Everyone can make a difference either by adopting a child from foster care or by supporting the work of agencies finding forever families for waiting children.
Securing lifelong connections for teens in foster care, both legally and emotionally, is a critical component in determining their future achievements, health, and well-being. Through adoption, older youth are connected to a family that can provide a sense of stability, lasting connections, and guidance with important life obstacles. Every child, regardless of age, deserves the love and stability that a family can offer.
Help us spread the word about the unique challenges and opportunities facing older youth waiting for adoption during the month of November and throughout the year. We never outgrow the need for family, and everyone deserves to know that they belong.
2018 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
2018 Participating Members of Congress
2017: 13th Annual Adoptive Family Portrait Project
In November, the Voice for Adoption and the United States gave special attention to adoption. We celebrated adoptive parents. We honored the experiences and resiliency of youth who have been in foster care. We validated the significant challenges that may arise during the adoption journey. We highlighted policies that are sometimes barriers to adoption and/or barriers to meeting the ongoing needs of adopted children. We gave a platform for families to share their experiences and use their voices to be advocates for other children and families. We brought greater awareness to the need for more loving people to provide permanent families to the 112,000 children and youth across the country who are still waiting for the chance to grow up feeling wanted in a stable family. We done all of this to bring more attention to an issue that deserves it.
Last year, 2016, Americans adopted more than 53,000 children and teens from foster care. Some of their stories appear in the following pages. As you read these families’ stories, notice the remarkable journey these parents have taken with their ever-resilient children. These extraordinary families celebrate the healing, growth, and accomplishments their children have made – many of them overcoming significant trauma experienced prior to living with their new families.
As we celebrate during this month, we at Voice for Adoption remain ever mindful that our work is not finished. Several families identify missing or insufficient supportive services, mostly in the areas of mental health, respite care, or post-adoption programs. Parents highlight the need for initiatives to educate mental health providers about the intricacies of adoptive family issues, and to encourage more providers to accept Medicaid and offer family-based treatment services. Families also encourage policymakers to provide college support to more children who are adopted from foster care, not just those who are adopted in their teens.
Additionally, we know that more work is still needed, because last year still more than 20,000 youth aged-out of foster care. This leaves youth vulnerable, lonely, and without permanent people in their lives to share their accomplishments. Importantly, we are making strides toward policy improvements to strengthen opportunities for older youth to find permanency. We commend Congress for these efforts, yet we must continue to work together to accomplish the goal stated by one adopted teen featured in a previous year’s program: “Let’s make ‘aging out’ a term no longer needed in the English language!”
2017 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
2017 Participating Members of Congress
2016: 12th Annual Adoptive Family Portrait Project
This month (November) the United States gives special attention to adoption. We celebrate adoptive parents. We honor the experiences and resiliency of youth who have been in foster care. We validate the significant challenges that may arise during the adoption journey. We highlight policies that are sometimes barriers to adoption and/or barriers to meeting the ongoing needs of adopted children. We give a platform for families to share their experiences and use their voices to be advocates for other children and families. We bring greater awareness to the need for more loving people to provide permanent families to the 112,000 children and youth across the country who are still waiting for the chance to grow up feeling wanted in a stable family. We do all of this to bring more attention to an issue that deserves it.
As we celebrate during this month, we at Voice for Adoption remain ever mindful that our work is not finished. Several families identify missing or insufficient supportive services, mostly in the areas of mental health, respite care, or post-adoption programs. Parents highlight the need for initiatives to educate mental health providers about the intricacies of adoptive family issues, and to encourage more providers to accept Medicaid and offer family-based treatment services. Families also encourage policymakers to provide college support to more children who are adopted from foster care, not just those who are adopted in their teens.
Additionally, we know that more work is still needed, because last year still more than 20,000 youth aged-out of foster care. This leaves youth vulnerable, lonely, and without permanent people in their lives to share their accomplishments. Importantly, we are making strides toward policy improvements to strengthen opportunities for older youth to find permanency. We commend Congress for these efforts, yet we must continue to work together to accomplish the goal stated by one adopted teen featured in a previous year’s program: “Let’s make ‘aging out’ a term no longer needed in the English language!”
2016 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Michael Bennet D-CO
Senator Chris Coons D-DE
Senator Chuck Grassley R-IA
Senator Ed Markey D-MA
Senator Al Franken D-MN
Senator Amy Klobuchar D-MN
Senator Roy Blunt R-MO
Senator Bob Menendez D-NJ
Senator Tom Udall D-NM
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand D-NY
Senator Richard Burr R-NC
Senator Thom Tillis R-NC
Senator Sherrod Brown D-OH
Senator Jeff Merkley D-OR
Senator Ron Wyden D-OR
Senator Bob Casey Jr. D-PA
Senator Bob Corker R-TN
Senator Tim Kaine D-VA
Senator Mark Warner D-VA
Senator Maria Cantwell D-WA
Senator Joe Manchin D-WV
Senator Tammy Baldwin D-WI
Senator Ron Johnson R-WI
U.S. Representatives
Representative Mike Coffman R-CO
Representative Diana DeGette D-CO
Representative Cory Gardner R-CO
Representative Doug Lamborn R-CO
Representative Jared Polis D-CO
Representative Ed Perlmutter D-CO
Representative Scott Tipton R-CO
Representative John Carney D-DE
Representative Frederica Wilson D-FL
Representative Todd Young R-IN
Representative Katherine Clark D-MA
Representative Niki Tsongas D-MA
Representative Keith Ellison D-MN
Representative Lacy Clay D-MO
Representative Sam Graves R-MO
Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer R-MO
Representative Ann Wagner R-MO
Representative Deb Fischer R-NE
Representative Marcy Kaptur R-OH
Representative Earl Blumenauer D-OR
Representative Suzanne Bonamici D-OR
Representative Peter DeFazio D-OR
Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers R-OR
Representative Kurt Schrader D-OR
Representative Greg Walden R-OR
Representative Diane Black R-TN
Representative Marsha Blackburn R-TN
Representative Derek Kilmer D-WA
Representative Rick Larsen D-WA
Representative Dan Newhouse R-WA
Representative Adam Smith D-WA
Representative Sean Duffy R-WI
Representative Glenn Grothman R-WI
Representative Ron Kind D-WI
Representative Gwen Moore D-WI
Representative Mark Pocan D-WI
Representative Reid Ribble R-WI
Representative Paul Ryan R-WI
Representative Jim Sensenbrenner R-WI
2015 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
The theme for our 2015 Adoptive Family Portrait Project was, “Celebrating Families Who Help Children Shine” The thought for this theme came to me as I was reading notes from adopted children and youth who responded to our question, “What has adoption meant to you?”. As I read their responses, I felt an overwhelming sense of self-worth, belonging, love, acceptance, and gratitude conveyed towards their new families. Many of the youth adopted from foster care are older, which means they still hold on to good and bad memories of their birth families. Many of them hold on to heartache stemming from both separation and the causes for entry into foster care. For some children, adoption means safety, love, and support. One child said, “Adoption means no one can ever take me away again.” Another said, “Adoption means I’m safe now.” For other children, there can be a sense of difficultly and challenge in navigating their feelings of loss and grief. One child stated, “I still want to know who my dad is and I’d like to see my birth mother more.” For many children adoption from foster care is about growing and healing through love and loss in a new family. Several youth expressed joy and a wish for other children in their circumstances to experience the love of a permanent family. One young person said, “I wish more people would adopt from foster care.” Another said,“My mom is the best mom in the world. Thank you for giving me a family!” Every child’s inner light deserves to be nurtured so that it can shine brightly. Children who enter foster care often have their internal light dimmed by situations that occurred in their past. Because of their experiences with either neglect or abuse, they can harbor so many feelings of despair, loss, anger, grief, guilt, and discomfort. I speak from experience, having entered foster care at a young age, and ultimately exiting without permanent people in my life. In my own case, it took many persons into adulthood to extend genuine love and caring to restore my internal light and help me understand my purpose in the world. Ideally, these values are gained in childhood and instilled by loving parents. Yet, far too many children in foster care lack this kind of support from a permanent family. At Voice for Adoption, we vow to change this sad reality. We believe that every child deserves a permanent, loving family who is dedicated to their growth and achievements, well into their adult life.
We extend our gratitude to each of the members of Congress that participated in our 2015 project.
2015 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Dianne Feinstein D-CA
Senator Micheal Bennet D-CO
Senator Cory Gardner R-CO
Senator Benjamin Cardin D-MD
Senator Al Franken D-MN
Senator Roy Blunt R-MO
Senator Jeff Merkley D-OR
Senator Ron Wyden D-OR
Senator Robert Casey D-PA
Senator Orrin Hatch R-UT
Senator Tammy Baldwin D-WI
Senator Ron Johnson R-WI
U.S. Representatives
Representative Jerry McNerney D-CA
Representative Mike Coffman R-CO
Representative Diana DeGette D-CO
Representative Doug Lamborn R-CO
Representative Ed Perlmutter D-CO
Representative Jared Polis D-CO
Representative Scott Tipton R-CO
Representative Alcee L. Hastings D-FL
Representative Todd Young R-IN
Representative Niki Tsongas D-MA
Representative Brenda Lawrence D-MI
Representative Sam Graves R-MO
Representative Joyce Beatty D-OH
Representative David P. Joyce R-OH
Representative Earl Blumenauer D-OR
Representative Suzanne Bonamici D-OR
Representative Peter DeFazio D-OR
Representative Kurt Schrader D-OR
Representative Greg Walden R-OR
Representative Diane Black R-TN
Representative Jim McDermott D-WA
Representative Sean Duffy R-WI
Representative Glen Grothman R-WI
Representative Ron Kind D-WI
Representative Gwen Moore D-WI
Representative Mark Pocan D-WI
Representative Reid Ribble R-WI
Representative Paul Ryan R-WI
Representative F. Sensenbrenner R-WI
2014 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
This year is special for Voice for Adoption, it marks our 10th year coordinating this special awareness project highlighting foster care adoption on Capitol Hill. Through this project, it is our hope that we touch hearts and inspire change for improvement. Our goal is to educate members of Congress and their staff about the needs of waiting children and adoptive families from foster care.
2014 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Dianne Feinstein D-CA
Senator Michael Bennet D-CO
Senator Mark Udall D-CO
Senator Richard Blumenthal D-CT
Senator Chuck Grassley R-IA
Senator Mary Landrieu D-LA
Senator Benjamin Cardin D-MD
Senator Al Franken D-MN
Senator Roger Wicker R-MS
Senator Roy Blunt R-MO
Senator Harry Reid D-NV
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand D-NY
Senator Richard Burr R-NC
Senator Sherrod Brown D-OH
Senator Rob Portman R-OH
Senator James Inhofe R-OK
Senator Jeff Merkley D-OR
Senator Ron Wyden D-OR
Senator Robert Casey D-PA
Senator Tim Johnson D-SD
Senator John Thune R-SD
Senator Orrin Hatch R-UT
Senator Maria Cantwell D-WA
Senator Tammy Baldwin D-WI
Senator Ron Johnson R-WI
U.S. Representatives
Representative Karen Bass D-CA
Representative Mike Coffman R-CO
Representative Diana Degette D-CO
Representative Cory Gardner R-CO
Representative Doug Lamborn R-CO
Representative Ed Perlmutter D-CO
Representative Jared Polis D-CO
Representative Scott Tipton R-CO
Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen R-FL
Representative Dave Camp R-MI
Representative Earl Blumenauer D-OR
Representative Suzanne Bonamici D-OR
Representative Peter DeFazio D-OR
Representative Kurt Schrader D-OR
Representative Greg Walden R-OR
Representative Mike Doyle D-PA
Representative Keith Rothfus R-PA
Representative Jim Langevin D-RI
Representative Jim McDermott D-WA
Representative David Reichert R-WA
Representative Sean Duffy R-WI
Representative Ron Kind D-WI
Representative Gwen Moore D-WI
Representative Mark Pocan D-WI
Representative Reid Ribble R-WI
Representative Paul Ryan R-WI
Representative F. James Sensenbrenner R-WI
2013 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
The theme for our 2013 Adoptive Family Portrait Project was, Understanding the "Special" in Special Needs Adoptions: Highlighting Older Youth and Siblings. For the 2013 project we highlighted the importance of understanding what makes youth in foster care special. We gave attention to adoptions of older youth and sibling groups. Many Children in foster care are considered to have special needs. They might come from backgrounds where they experienced abuse, neglect, trauma, or maltreatment of some kind. Some actually do have physical or mental handicaps. Others receive the label “special needs” simply for being apart of a sibling group, being an older child or a minority. The theme this year is special in itself, because we are working to debunk the myth that youth in foster care are “too difficult” or “hard to place”. By no means do we diminish the difficult work it takes to place children who have significant needs, but we know that despite their special needs, these children are adoptable; they are more than lovable and they are down right deserving of a loving and caring family.
We extend our gratitude to each of the members of Congress that participated in our 2013 project.
2013 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Dianne Feinstein CA-D
Senator Michael Bennet CO-D
Senator Mark Udall CO-D
Senator Chuck Grassley IA-R
Senator Mary Landrieu LA-D
Senator Edward Markey MA-D
Senator Benjamin Cardin MD-D
Senator Al Franken MN-D
Senator John Hoeven ND-R
Senator Harry Reid NV-D
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand NY-D
Senator Rob Portman OH-R
Senator Jeff Merkley OR-D
Senator Ron Wyden OR-D
Senator Bob Casey PA-D
Senator Patrick Toomey PA-R
Senator John Cornyn TX-R
Senator Tim Kaine VA-D
Senator Maria Cantwell WA-D
Senator Tammy Baldwin WI-D
Senator Ron Johnson WI-R
U.S. Representatives
Representative Karen Bass CA-D
Representative Mike Coffman CO-R
Representative Cory Gardner CO-R
Representative Doug Lamborn CO-R
Representative Ed Perlmutter CO-D
Representative Jared Polis CO-D
Representative Scott Tipton CO-R
Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen FL-R
Representative John Lewis GA-D
Representative Dave Camp* MI-R
Representative Earl Blumenauer OR-D
Representative Suzanne Bonamici OR-D
Representative Peter DeFazio OR-D
Representative Kurt Schrader OR-D
Representative Greg Walden OR-R
Representative Jim Langevin RI-D
Representative Beto O’Rourke TX-D
Representative Jim McDermott WA-D
Representative Ron Kind WI-D
Representative Gwen Moore WI-D
Representative Thomas Petri WI-R
Representative Reid Ribble WI-R
Representative Paul Ryan WI-R
2012 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
The theme for the 2012 Adoptive Family Portrait Project was, Family Matters: Featuring Foster Care Adoption & Kinship Connections. For the 2012 project we highlighted the importance of kinship connections; we gave special attention to kinship adoptions and continued biological family connections. Some of the families featured in the 2012 program represented kinship relatives who became adoptive parents. Other families featured represented those who have committed to sharing biological family information, facilitating communication, and even visitations with kin known to their children.
We extend our gratitude to each of the 51 members of Congress that participated in our 2012 project.
2012 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Dianne Feinstein CA-D
Senator Michael Bennet CO-D
Senator Mark Udall CO-D
Senator Marco Rubio FL-R
Senator C. Saxby Chambliss GA-R
Senator Chuck Grassley IA-R
Senator Mary Landrieu LA-D
Senator Scott Brown MA-R
Senator John Kerry MA-D
Senator Al Franken MN-D
Senator Roy Blunt MO-R
Senator Richard Burr NC-R
Senator John Hoeven ND-R
Senator Jeff Bingaman NM-D
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand NY-D
Senator Sherrod Brown OH-D
Senator Jeff Merkley OR-D
Senator Ron Wyden OR-D
Senator Bob Casey PA-D
Senator Jim DeMint SC-R
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison TX-R
Senator Maria Cantwell WA-D
Senator Ron Johnson WI-R
Senator John Barrasso WY-R
Senator Mike Enzi WY-R
U.S. Representatives
Representative Karen Bass CA-D
Representative Dennis Cardoza CA-D
Representative Tom McClintock CA-R
Representative Pete Stark CA-D
Representative Mike Coffman CO-R
Representative Diana DeGette CO-D
Representative Cory Gardner CO-R
Representative Doug Lamborn CO-R
Representative Ed Perlmutter CO-D
Representative Jared Polis CO-D
Representative Stephen Lynch MA-D
Representative C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger MD-D
Representative Dave Camp MI-R
Representative Gary Peters MI-D
Representative Vicky Hartzler MO-R
Representative Earl Blumenauer OR-D
Representative Suzanne Bonamici OR-D
Representative Peter DeFazio OR-D
Representative Kurt Schrader OR-D
Representative Greg Walden OR-R
Representative Mike Doyle PA-D
Representative Jim McDermott WA-D
Representative Sean Duffy WI-R
Representative Ron Kind WI-D
Representative Reid Ribble WI-R
Representative Paul Ryan WI-R
2011 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
The theme for the 2011 Adoptive Family Portrait Project was, Families at the Forefront: Post-Adoption Services Support Forever Families. For 2011's project we highlighted the importance of providing support beyond adoption finalization. We hope that through this year's project we elevated the ongoing challenges that adoptive parents face when raising children who have special needs or have experienced abuse or neglect, but also reflected on the growth seen in children who have committed and loving adoptive families.
We extend our gratitude to each of the 63 members of Congress that participated in our 2011 project.
2011 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Mark Udall D-CO
Senator Michael Bennet D-CO
Senator Chuck Grassley R-IA
Senator Susan Collins R-ME
Senator Ben Cardin D-MD
Senator John Kerry D-MA
Senator Scott Brown R-MA
Senator Roy Blunt R-MO
Senator Ben Nelson D-NE
Senator Harry Reid D-NV
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand D-NY
Senator Richard Burr R-NC
Senator Kent Conrad D-ND
Senator Sherrod Brown D-OH
Senator Rob Portman R-OH
Senator Ron Wyden D-OR
Senator Jeff Merkley D-OR
Senator Jim DeMint R-SC
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse D-RI
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison R-TX
Senator Orrin Hatch R-UT
Senator Maria Cantwell D-WA
Senator Herb Kohl D-WI
Senator Ron Johnson R-WI
Senator Mike Enzi R-WY
U.S. Representatives
Representative Pete Stark D-C
Representative Dennis Cardoza D-CA
Representative Karen Bass D-CA
Representative Jared Polis D-CO
Representative Mike Coffman R-CO
Representative Doug Lamborn R-CO
Representative Ed Perlmutter D-CO
Representative Cory Gardner R-CO
Representative Diana Degette D-CO
Representative Scott Tipton R-CO
Representative Danny Davis D-IL
Representative Dan Burton R-IN
Representative Geoff Davis R-KY
Representative C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger D-MD
Representative Stephen Lynch D-MA
Representative Niki Tsongas D-MA
Representative David Camp R-MI
Representative Steven Rothmann D-NJ
Representative Louise Slaughter D-NY
Representative Marcy Kaptur D-OH
Representative Betty Sutton D-OH
Representative Earl Blumenauer D-OR
Representative Kurt Schrader D-OR
Representative Peter DeFazio D-OR
Representative Greg Walden R-OR
Representative James Langevin D-RI
Representative David Cicilline D-RI
Representative Joe Wilson R-SC
Representative Lloyd Doggett D-TX
Representative Pete Olson R-TX
Representative Gerald E. Connolly D-VA
Representative Jim McDermott D-WA
Representative Paul Ryan R-WI
Representative Sean Duffy R-WI
Representative Ron Kind D-WI
Representative Gwen Moore D-WI
Representative Reid Ribble R-WI
Representative Tom Petri R-WI
Thanks to all of the organizations and individuals who supported our 2011 Adoptive Family Portrait Project.
Premier Project Sponsor: Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Other Sponsors: Freddie Mac Foundation – Claudia Hutchison – Alicia Groh – Elizabeth Brescia
2010 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
For 2010, VFA particularly emphasized families adopting older youth and teens. The theme for the 2010 Adoptive Family Portrait Project was, It’s Not Too Late – Families for Older Youth. We hope that through this project we elevated the need for children to have families regardless of their age and to highlight families providing permanency to older youth through adoption.
We extend our gratitude to each of the 50 members of Congress that participated in our 2010 project and helped celebrate older youth adoptions from foster care.
2010 Adoptive Family Portrait Project Cover
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Max Baucus D-MT
Senator. Michael Bennet D-CO
Senator Scott Brown R-MA
Senator Sherrod Brown D-OH
Senator Richard Burr R-NC
Senator Maria Cantwell D-WA
Senator Benjamin Cardin D-MD
Senator Susan Collins R-ME
Senator Kent Conrad D-NV
Senator Jim DeMint R-SC
Senator Byron Dorgan D-NV
Senator John Ensign R-NV
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand D-NY
Senator Charles Grassley R-IA
Senator Kay Baily Hutchison R-TX
Senator John Kerry D-MA
Senator Joseph Lieberman I-CT
Senator Blanche Lincoln D-AR
Senator Harry Reid D-NV
Senator Mark Udall D-CO
Senator George Voinovich R-OH
Senator Ron Wyden D-OR
U.S. Representatives
Representative Shelly Berkley D-NV
Representative Earl Blumenauer D-OR
Representative Roy Blunt R-MO
Representative Dave Camp R-MI
Representative Dennis Cardoza D-CA
Representative Howard Coble R-NC
Representative Mike Coffman R-CO
Representative Diana DeGette D-CO
Representative Ralph Hall R-TX
Representative Dean Heller R-NV
Representative Marcy Kaptur D-OH
Representative Doug Lamborn R-CO
Representative Betsy Markey D-CO
Representative Ed Markey D-MA
Representative Jim McDermott D-WA
Representative Jim Moran D-VA
Representative James Oberstar D-MN
Representative Pete Olson R-TX
Representative Ed Perlmutter D-CO
Representative Jared Polis D-CO
Representative Paul Ryan R-WI
Representative John Salazar D-CO
Representative John Sarbanes D-MD
Representative Louise Slaughter D-NY
Representative Pete Stark D-CA
Representative Betty Sutton D-OH
Representative David Wu D-OR
2009 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
Voice for Adoption's 2009 Adoptive Family Portrait Project embraced the theme, Many Faces, Many Families, to represent the ability of all different kinds of families to provide stable family roots for the youth in foster care. Our goal was to emphasize family diversity, highlighting the fact that adoptive families, like all families, are each unique!
A special thanks goes out to the 64 members of Congress who participated in our 2009 project.
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Michael Bennet D-CO
Senator Richard Burr R-NC
Senator Roland Burris D-IL
Senator Susan Collins R-ME
Senator Kent Conrad D-ND
Senator Jim DeMint R-SC
Senator Byron Dorgan D-ND
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand D-NY
Senator Charles Grassley R-IA
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison R-TX
Senator Tim Johnson D-SD
Senator John Kerry D-MA
Senator Carl Levin D-MI
Senator Joseph Lieberman I-CT
Senator Blanche Lincoln D-AR
Senator Harry Reid D-NV
Senator Charles Schumer D-NY
Senator Arlen Specter R-PA
Senator Mark Udall D-CO
Senator George Voinovich R-OH
U.S. Representatives
Representative Shelley Berkley D-NV
Representative Earl Blumenauer D-OR
Representative John Boozman R-AR
Representative Dan Burton R-IN
Representative Dave Camp R-MI
Representative Dennis Cardoza D-CA
Representative James Clyburn D-SC
Representative Mike Coffman R-CO
Representative Danny Davis D-IL
Representative Diana DeGette D-CO
Representative Scott Garrett R-NJ
Representative Gabrielle Giffords D-AZ
Representative Ralph Hall R-TX
Representative Dean Heller R-NV
Representative Brian Higgins D-NY
Representative Bob Inglis R-SC
Representative Sam Johnson R-TX
Representative Marcy Kaptur D-OH
Representative Patrick Kennedy D-RI
Representative Mary Jo Kilroy D-OH
Representative Ann Kirkpatrick D-AZ
Representative Doug Lamborn R-CO
Representative Robert Latta R-OH
Representative John Lewis D-GA
Representative Kenny Marchant R-TX
Representative Betsy Markey D-CO
Representative Eric Massa D-NY
Representative Jim McDermott D-WA
Representative Christopher Murphy D-CT
Representative Pete Olson R-TX
Representative Ed Perlmutter D-CO
Representative Jared Polis D-CO
Representative Earl Pomeroy D-ND
Representative Steven Rothman D-NJ
Representative Paul Ryan R-WI
Representative John Salazar D-CO
Representative Kurt Schrader D-OR
Representative Louise Slaughter D-NY
Representative Pete Stark D-CA
Representative Patrick Tiberi R-OH
Representative John Tierney D-MA
Representative Greg Walden R-OR
Representative Zach Wamp R-TN
Representative David Wu D-OR
2008 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
Voice for Adoption's 2008 Adoptive Family Portrait Project highlighted sibling connections and the importance of keeping siblings together. For children who have been removed from their birth parents, siblings can be an incredible source of continuity and family connections. With the chaos and confusion that children in the child welfare system experience—often facing several moves, unfamiliar houses, and many strangers being deeply involved in their lives—being able to maintain connections with their brothers and sisters can help strengthen their resilience and retain a sense of family, safety, and attachment in the long term.
A special thanks to all of the members of Congress that participated in our 2008 project.
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Daniel Akaka D-HI
Senator Sherrod Brown D-OH
Senator Richard Burr R-NC
Senator Robert Casey D-PA
Senator Hillary Clinton D-NY
Senator Norm Coleman R-MN
Senator Susan Collins R-ME
Senator Kent Conrad D-ND
Senator John Cornyn R-TX
Senator Charles Grassley R-IA
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison R-TX
Senator Tim Johnson D-SD
Senator John Kerry D-MA
Senator Carl Levin D-MI
Senator Joseph Lieberman I-CT
Senator Blanche L. Lincoln D-AR
Senator Barack Obama D-IL
Senator Harry Reid D-NV
Senator Ron Wyden D-OR
U.S. Representatives
Representative Shelley Berkley D-NV
Representative Tim Bishop D-NY
Representative Earl Blumenauer D-OR
Representative Dave Camp R-MI
Representative Michael Capuano D-MA
Representative Dennis Cardoza D-CA
Representative Russ Carnahan D-MO
Representative John Culberson R-TX
Representative Danny K. Davis D-IL
Representative Peter DeFazio D-OR
Representative Rosa DeLauro D-CT
Representative Chaka Fattah D-PA
Representative Scott Garrett R-NJ
Representative Dean Heller R-NV
Representative Brian Higgins D-NY
Representative Darlene Hooley D-OR
Representative Marcy Kaptur D-OH
Representative Ron Kind D-WI
Representative John Lewis D-GA
Representative Jim Matheson D-UT
Representative Chris Murphy D-CT
Representative Marilyn Musgrave R-CO
Representative Ed Perlmutter D-CO
Representative Thomas Petri R-WI
Representative Allyson Schwartz D-PA
Representative Chris Shays R-CT
Representative Louise Slaughter D-NY
Representative Tom Tancredo R-CO
Representative Mark Udall D-CO
Representative David Wu D-OR
2007 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
Voice for Adoption's 2007 Adoptive Family Portrait Project highlighted the importance of post-adoption services through the stories and experiences of adoptive families from across the country. Adoptive families and permanent relative caregivers speak emphatically about the critical role of post-placement services in helping families meet their children’s complex and ongoing medical, behavioral, and mental health needs. Although permanence is critical for all children, families tell us that love is not enough to heal all of the wounds that children experience through abuse and neglect.
Thanks to the 56 members of Congress who participated in this project and helped celebrate the ways that adoption has touched the lives of their constituents.
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Jeff Sessions R-AL
Senator Blanche Lincoln D-AR
Senator Ken Salazar D-CO
Senator Christopher Dodd D-CT
Senator Daniel Akaka D-HI
Senator Daniel Inouye D-HI
Senator Charles Grassley R-IA
Senator Mike Crapo R-ID
Senator Barack Obama D-IL
Senator Evan Bayh D-IN
Senator Susan Collins R-ME
Senator John Kerry D-MA
Senator Norm Coleman R-MN
Senator Harry Reid D-NV
Senator Jeff Bingaman D-NM
Senator Hillary Clinton D-NY
Senator Richard Burr R-NC
Senator Kent Conrad D-ND
Senator Robert Casey D-PA
Senator Ron Wyden D-OR
Senator Jim DeMint R-SC
Senator Tim Johnson D-SD
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison R-TX
Senator John Cornyn R-TX
Senator Maria Cantwell D-WA
Senator Patty Murray D-WA
Senator Russ Feingold D-WI
Senator Kohl D-WI
U.S. Representatives
Representative Dennis Cardoza D-CA
Representative Marilyn Musgrave R-CO
Representative Ed Perlmutter D-CO
Representative Tom Tancredo R-CO
Representative Mark Udall D-CO
Representative Rosa DeLauro D-CT
Representative Chris Murphy D-CT
Representative Chris Shays R-CT
Representative Michael Castle R-DE
Representative John Lewis D-GA
Representative Steve King R-IA
Representative Danny K. Davis D-IL
Representative Dave Camp R-MI
Representative James Oberstar D-MN
Representative Jim Ramstad R-MN
Representative Russ Carnahan D-MO
Representative Shelley Berkley D-NV
Representative Scott Garrett R-NJ
Representative Tim Bishop D-NY
Representative Marcy Kaptur D-OH
Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones D-OH
Representative Allyson Y. Schwartz D-PA
Representative Jim Moran D-VA
Representative Ron Kind D-WI
Representative David Obey D-WI
Representative Paul Ryan R-WI
2006 Adoptive Family Portrait Project
In November 2006, Voice for Adoption, in collaboration with the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute and Fostering Families TODAY magazine, helped members of Congress celebrate National Adoption Awareness Month and raise awareness of the importance of special needs adoption by featuring a portrait of a family from their home state that has adopted children from foster care. The 30 members of Congress who participated had the opportunity to learn about a constituent family’s adoption experiences, as well as the way that federal child welfare laws and programs have helped support the family.
Thanks to all of the members of Congress who participated in our 2006 Adoptive Family Portrait Project.
Participating Members of Congress
U.S. Senators
Senator Jeff Sessions R-Alabama
Senator Ken Salazar D-Colorado
Senator Daniel Akaka D-Hawaii
Senator Larry Craig R-Idaho
Senator Evan Bayh D-Indiana
Senator Sam Brownback R-Kansas
Senator Mary Landrieu D-Louisiana
Senator Susan Collins R-Maine
Senator Norm Coleman R-Minnesota
Senator Hillary Clinton D-New York
Senator Mike DeWine R-Ohio
Senator James Inhofe R-Oklahoma
Senator Ron Wyden D-Oregon
Senator Rick Santorum R-Pennsylvania
Senator Jim DeMint R-South Carolina
Senator Patrick Leahy D-Vermont
Senator Herb Kohl D-Wisconsin
U.S. Representatives
Representative Dennis Cardoza D-California
Representative Steve King R-Iowa
Representative Dennis Moore R-Kansas
Representative James Oberstar D-Minnesota
Representative Dave Camp R-Michigan
Representative Jim Saxton R-New Jersey
Representative Marcy Kaptur D-Ohio
Representative Mike Doyle D-Pennsylvania
Representative Jim Langevin D-Rhode Island
Representative Ron Kind R-Wisconsin
Representative Gwen Moore D-Wisconsin
Representative Thomas Petri R-Wisconsin
Representative Paul Ryan D-Wisconsin
Thanks to all of the organizations and individuals who supported our 2006 Adoptive Family Portrait Project:
Premier Project Sponsor: Freddie Mac Foundation
Collaborating Partners:
The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute - Fostering Families TODAY magazine
Other Sponsors:
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption - Lutheran Adoption Network/Lutheran Services in America - The Adoption Exchange - Anonymous-In memory of Drenda Lakin - Adoption Resources of Wisconsin
Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children (NY & NJ) - Center for Family Connections - Elizabeth Brescia