Meet the Nurkka Family!

The Nurkka Family from Minnesota.

Open- hearted and unconditional in their approach, Erin and Brian Nurkka applied to foster and adopt through their county, saying yes to children with disabilities, yes to sibling groups, and yes to older children. The couple cared for 7 different children initially. One of them was baby Valinten who came to them at 8 months old and became their “forever” son at age 2. Later they worked with Children’s Home Society and became foster parents to an older sibling pair: Logan, age 8 and Heaven, age 10. Brother and sister joined the family permanently a year later.

The Nurkka house is now bustling with personality and activity. Heaven, age 12, is “doing great in school and is a born leader.” She also enjoys cooking and playing volleyball. Logan, age 10, loves sports, and building “anything and everything”. Due to “great school support,” Logan has graduated from many of his IEP goals. Funny 5-year-old Valinten, his “face full of dimples,” keeps everybody smiling with his talent for quoting movies and giving big hugs.

Post adoption services have helped Erin and Brian address their children’s special needs incurred from neglect in early childhood. Various diagnoses of developmental and educational delays, PTSD, emotional and behavioral needs require IEPs, counseling, occupational and speech therapy. With their many doctor and therapy appointments, the Nurkkas greatly appreciate Medical Assistance (MA) but would ask that it apply in more instances, such as for in-home intensive therapy for children do not do well in an office environment.

When considering policies that would benefit children, Erin observes that county workers are overworked, “If they could give the time they want to each child, the outcome would be better.” She also recommends lawmakers provide more support and resources for birth parents so families can stay together.

We wouldn't be the family we are today without all of the helpful support

The Nurkkas are extremely grateful for the Federal Adoption Tax Credit and the positive impact it has had on their family. It has been “VERY helpful! The tax credit helps us bring more money into our home to support our family.”

What they do comes with challenges: “When you put a bunch of people together in a home who don't know each other, it takes more than just love to get along.” Erin and Brian draw on their Christian faith and community to help them get through. “We wouldn't be the family we are today without all of the helpful support.”

The Nurkka’s belief that ‘we are all called to care for others’ led to a permanent and loving home for Valinten, Logan, and Heaven. Erin recalls their first season as a family. “Our older two moved in officially the day before Thanksgiving. Sitting at the table together was a surreal feeling. We continued that weekend by travelling to Duluth to see their big holiday display and then cutting our Christmas tree. That weekend means a lot to us as a family. We’d begun building memories.”


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