Meet the Roberts Family!

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A stay-at-home mom with a degree in Elementary Education, Kirstina Roberts promised her young son Aaron that the two would go to Kindergarten together. And they did! When Aaron started school, Kirstina launched her career as a Kindergarten teacher. Kirstina has assured Aaron's healthy start in life by her full-time presence with him when he was young, and her close proximity throughout his elementary school years. More recently she has given Aaron a gift that will enrich his whole life - two younger brothers. In the two years that they have lived together, the three boys have developed a close and loving relationship.

 Now age twelve, Aaron is seen as a leader among his peers. He loves sports, has wrestled for seven years, and played football and baseball for two years. Aaron's talents include art and music as well as athletics. He plays the piano and drums, draws, and writes stories. Aaron relishes his role as a big brother. Ethan and Elijah were adopted two years ago, after having spent two years in foster care. Mom describes seven-year-old Ethan as a strong-willed, helpful boy with a phenomenal memory and a stunning learning capacity. In spite of having "Poland Syndrome," a rare birth defect, Ethan is able to undertake any sport as well as play the piano. Five-year-old Elijah, according to his mom, has a never-ending energy source. And she should know! She not only parents him at home but also teaches him in her Kindergarten class. Kirstina says Elijah demonstrates a zest for life, helpfulness, and the ability to elicit goodness in others. Although some days with Elijah are trying, he always brings a smile to his mom's face.

As a single mother for most of Aaron's life, Kirstina started to think about adoption because she wanted her son to grow up with siblings, and to reap the kinds of benefits she herself gained from being a big sister. Furthermore, as a bi-racial child, Aaron expressed the desire to have someone else in the family of his color. Several influences led Kirstina to consider adoption from foster care. These included publicity about the Adopt America Network at Wendy's restaurants, and having witnessed the great benefits of a healthy home environment on several of her students who were adopted. Kirstina asks, "Have you ever checked out an adoption site?  There is a tug on your heart that makes you want to help these children. If I could I would adopt many more." An additional consideration, a very important one for a single parent, was the affordability of foster care adoption.

 Kirstina's venture into adopting from foster care took an unusual twist. Almost a year after being approved for adoption, she learned that her ex-husband's son Elijah (Aaron's half-brother) was in foster care along with his (Elijah’s) older half-brother Ethan. She explains. "I waited two years for the parental rights to be finally taken away, making the boys available for adoption. At first, I was very angry at the system that had these boys stay in foster care when I was waiting for them, but then I met Jerry, their amazing foster dad. I am thankful that the boys were blessed with Jerry. He taught them to love sports. Now all three of my boys wrestle and play basketball, football, and baseball." To clarify the confusing relationships, Kirstina explains, "I adopted my husband's child and that child's sibling." Not concerned with who is biologically related to whom, Aaron, Elijah and Ethan simply consider themselves three brothers. 

 Kirstina recalls two challenges of adoption. First was the difficulty of having to say goodbye after each pre-adoption visit she and Aaron made to Elijah and Ethan. Aaron would tell his mom that they already felt like brothers. The second challenge involved some adjustment difficulties that manifested in eating issues and long crying sessions - both of which were quickly resolved. 

Kirstina wants to tell members of Congress that there are too many children waiting in foster care to find homes. "We need to find the funds to help make adoptions more available for families who can provide really good homes. WE NEED MORE SUPPORT from our government!  I am a single mom of three boys, I am taking three classes, getting my master’s degree, directing a children’s ministry, and coaching for my boys' flag football team. I need my government's support!"  

 In summarizing her adoption experiences, Kirstina states, "Adoption is a life-changing experience.  The changes are unbelievable. I have always been very patient, but now I am even more patient. I am tired, but it is a different type of tired. I feel like the boys have always been part of our family.  I love my boys so much. They are special and unique each in their own ways.  God truly has blessed me!"

Family Portrait Project 2009- Representative Robert Latta


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