Family Spotlight: The McDaniels Family

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Jason and Cyndi McDaniel have fostered more than 67 children, mostly medically fragile or emotionally handicapped children. They came to enjoy fostering/adopting the kids who were difficult placements for others to handle or find homes for. They have a multicultural family, and they enjoy being able to cross many cultural barriers when out together. The family consists of three biological children: Gabrielle, 14; Jordan, 12; and Joshua, 11; one foster child, Lyle, age 12, and five adopted children. Lyle is in a wheelchair, doesn’t speak, and is in diapers. He has charmed the family because he just smiles and laughs when someone hugs him or gets him out of his wheelchair to dance for a few short minutes. Adoption added Alexandria, Alyssa, Ashlynn, Joseph, and Jacob to the family.

The McDaniels reside in North Carolina, and their story was sponsored by Senator Richard Burr.

Read more about the McDaniels and their adoption journey on their story page.


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