Voice for Adoption advocates for the 117,000 children in foster care waiting to be adopted.
Welcome to Voice for Adoption
We advocate, educate, and collaborate to advance federal policies that promote and sustain permanence for children and youth in foster care.
Will you join us to ensure all children and youth in foster care in the U.S. have a safe, loving, supported and permanent family?
Become a Member
Voice for Adoption welcomes organizations and individuals that share our mission to join us as members. Learn more and apply today:
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Your support is critical for our advocacy and education. Help us broaden our impact by making a gift today:
Explore our Story Library
We’re proud to share the stories of families formed through adoption with Members of Congress. These are some of the most recent additions to the Voice for Adoption story library:
Voice for Adoption Updates
Here are the latest updates from the Voice for Adoption team: