Meet the Bales Family!

The Bales Family from New York

"A family does not have to share DNA to form a loving bond."

Jason and Claire Bales, along with their sons Connor and Carter, have recently expanded their family by adopting two young children. Thomas, age 3, and Sydney, age 2, are biological siblings who both entered foster care as infants. Fortunately, they never had to move because the Baleses first cared for them as a foster family. . 

Asked what motivated them to foster and then adopt, Claire explains, “I was in foster care as a teen and I always wanted to give back.” Connor and Carter, now ages 12 and 10, are united with their parents in the belief that “all children need loving forever homes.” The entire family came to view foster adoption as “our calling.” The most frustrating aspect of the process was the strain and uncertainty of a long wait from placement to adoption.

Thriving in the unconditional love and doting attention of their family, Thomas and Sydney have blossomed into well-adjusted, fun-loving children. Thomas enjoys attending preschool. At home he loves to play outside and frequently offers to help Connor with his outdoor projects. He also attempts to play football like his brother Carter. Thomas has a vibrant personality and an infectious laugh that makes him a joy to be around. 
Little sister Sydney is a happy and healthy toddler who enjoys the attention she receives as the youngest child and only girl in the household. She likes to dress up and to try on various pairs of shoes. Sydney is often found happily singing and dancing about. 
Thomas and Sydney benefit from the attention and role-modeling provided by their two older brothers. Through Connor’s example they are learning the importance of helping others. They frequently observe this big brother mowing lawns and shoveling snow for neighbors, and helping to care for babies as a volunteer at the church nursery. Through Carter they are learning about sports (Carter plays football) and also developing an appreciation of the music that fills the house when Carter plays his saxophone and piano.


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