National Day of Action!

A National Day of Action! This event is meant to dramatically increase the number of young people connecting with this funding opportunity, and you can help!

VFA is proud to support Think of Us, which has launched #CheckForUs, a national outreach campaign working to connect current and former foster youth to state foster-care-specific pandemic relief. The campaign is leveraging the release of Chafee Funds to connect aged-out foster youth with critical resources including immediate cash relief, job opportunities, housing vouchers, and much more. THIS TOOLKIT includes customizable emails, text message language, and social media posts for every state!

For the District of Columbia:

Are you between the ages of 18-26? Were you involved in the Washington D.C  foster care system? 

If yes, you likely qualify for pandemic relief funds. Where is this money coming from? In response to concerns raised by young people across the country, Congress authorized $400 million in emergency funding - whether a one-time check or funds for specific services such as college, child care, rent or transportation - it does not have to be paid back! Sign up here to be contacted by your agency about this opportunity. Don’t wait - funds expire by September 30, 2021. Visit Check For Us to sign up today to be connected to your state!

Have more questions? Check out this Instagram Live or the Check For Us website

To send a message like this to a friend or someone who qualify for this fund, go to the toolkit provided above!

Join VFA in taking action today to help make an impact!

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H.R.928 - American Family Act of 2021


July 14th: A Message from the Executive Director