The Every Child Deserves a Family Campaign Applauds Introduction of John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act

If passed, the bipartisan, bicameral legislation introduced by U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL-7) will end anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination and discrimination against religious minorities in the child welfare system.   

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Danny Davis (D-IL-7) and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) announced the introduction of the John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act of 2021. This bipartisan, bicameral federal legislation is designed to increase the number of homes available to all children in foster care and to improve services to LGBTQ+ and religious minority youth by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and marital status against families and youth in taxpayer-funded child welfare services. U.S. Representatives Jenniffer González-Colón (R-PR) and Angie Craig (D-MN-2) and 24 Senators join Congressman Davis and Senator Gillibrand as original cosponsors on the bill.

Discrimination in the child welfare system is significant and far-reaching. It impacts children, families of origin, kin, and prospective foster and adoptive parents. For example, among African-American mothers, lesbian and bisexual women are four times more likely to have their children removed by the state than their non-LGB counterparts.  And, qualified LGBTQ+ people, including same-sex couples, are routinely turned away by agencies in many states, even though same-sex couples are seven times more likely to foster and adopt than their opposite-sex counterparts

In addition to barring discrimination against youth, families, and prospective parents, the Act takes significant steps towards improving outcomes for the one in three youth in foster care who identify as LGBTQ+ and who face greater rates of mistreatment, multiple placements, long stays in residential care, hospitalization, homelessness, and being trafficked than their non-LGBTQ+ counterparts.  

The John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act of 2021 also requires culturally competent care for youth and families of color and youth and disabled, religious minorities, or LGBTQ+. It also bars conversion therapy in foster care, requires data collection on LGBTQ+ youth and families, and establishes a National Resource Center for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care within the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families.  

To view the press conference and speaker remarks in full, click here.

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“There are hundreds of thousands of children in foster care right now, and they deserve the chance to be raised by loving and caring parents, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion,” said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). “Unfortunately, many families who are ready, willing, and waiting to bring these children into their homes, have been blocked from doing so by organizations that discriminate against potential parents based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or religion. That has to change. Organizations that receive taxpayer dollars cannot be allowed to discriminate against caring and responsible prospective foster and adoptive parents, and they cannot be allowed to discriminate against LGBTQ+ youth in the system. I am proud to be the Senate sponsor of the John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act. I will continue fighting for this important legislation that will create a system that supports the best interests of children and foster and adoptive parents and will ensure more access to loving, safe, and supportive environments for children in need.”

“Children in foster care are among the most vulnerable people in our society,” said Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL-7).  “And the government has a unique responsibility to ensure that every child in foster care finds a loving, affirming family. Not just the white ones. Not just the Christian ones. And not just the straight ones. The John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act promotes children's best interests by increasing the number of foster and adoptive homes available to all children in foster care and improving services to LGBTQ and religious-minority children. As one who grew up in the segregated south, I understand first-hand the profoundly detrimental effects of discrimination.  I am proud to join with my colleagues to champion this bill to protect foster youth and families from discrimination based on religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and marital status.”

“Throughout my time as a public servant, I have tirelessly worked to shape a better and more just adoption policy that promotes the best interests of those who are affected the most, the children,” said Rep. Jenniffer González Colón (R-PR). “According to the latest data, almost 443,000 youth are in foster care in the U.S., of which 4,539 reside in Puerto Rico. This legislation would break another barrier in the adoption process by increasing the chances of these children being placed into a loving and permanent home. I’m proud to join my colleagues in introducing this bill, and I thank Rep. Danny Davis for leading it as we rename this bill to honor the life of our late friend and colleague, Congressman John Lewis, who continues to inspire us to create a better and more inclusive America. As a champion for equal treatment, Congressman Lewis was forward-thinking and a role model to us all.”

“As an LGBTQ adoptive parent and a proud mother to four boys, I am painfully aware of the widespread discrimination that exists in the adoption and foster care system in this country,” said Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN-2). “No state should allow discrimination against LGBTQ foster children or adoptive parents who can provide a safe and loving home. I’m proud to help carry on John Lewis’ legacy by joining my colleagues in introducing legislation to ensure that LGBTQ adoptive parents and children are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve in our foster care system.”

“Family Equality thanks Congressman Danny Davis for his leadership and applauds this critical piece of legislation, which will change the lives of so many LGBTQ+ youth and families,” said Stacey Stevenson, CEO of Family Equality. “There is 400,000 youth in foster care and hundreds of loving families who want to open their homes to these young people but who are turned away. Discrimination against qualified prospective parents that deprives children of loving homes breaks the cardinal rule of child welfare:  that agencies must act in the child's best interests. As the late Representative John Lewis said when he first championed the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, ‘This bill is the right thing to do, and quite frankly, it is long overdue.’” 

“A large majority of Americans oppose allowing discrimination in taxpayer-funded adoption and foster care,” said Julie Kruse, Director of Federal Policy of Family Equality. “It is time that Congress listens to the will of the American people and eliminates discrimination in our nation’s child welfare system once and for all.  This discrimination must end.”

“Sadly, children who experience foster care have experienced trauma. The last thing they need is to be placed in a home that doesn’t affirm them for who they are or improperly trained to support their wellbeing, inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and religion. PFLAGers understand this. We strive to help families develop the skills to love and affirm their LGBTQ+ loved ones while honoring their faith traditions, too,” said Diego M. Sanchez, APR, Director of Advocacy, Policy, and Partnerships for PFLAG National. “This is why PFLAG National supports the John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act of 2021. The rights and dignity of each child and each family involved in the foster care system should be protected everywhere.”

“As a foster and adoptive parent who is a bisexual woman married to another woman, I am keenly aware of how the lack of federal protections in foster care affects families like mine,” said Laura McGinnis, a staff member of PFLAG National and member of Family Equality’s National Network. “Anti-LGBTQ bias of the local child welfare agency meant our oldest child’s infant sibling was initially placed with a non-affirming family who intended no contact. To preserve the rights of these siblings to grow up together, we had to fight in court, something most families can’t do. The John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act of 2021 would set a clear national standard to prevent discrimination that harms children and birth families who experience foster care.”

“Simply put, we have more children in foster care that we have beds to place them in,” says Schylar Baber, Executive Director of Voice for Adoption.  “We need every viable family we can get. There is no time to waste. We must end discrimination to ensure that every child in foster care finds a permanent place to call home.”  

“The John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act of 2021 is a critical tool for preventing homelessness and housing insecurity among LGBTQ+ youth and young adults,” said Gregory Lewis, executive director and CEO of True Colors United. “Young people with lived experience of homelessness frequently identify ending discrimination in foster care as one of their top priorities. It’s time for us to listen to them and to take real action to prevent youth homelessness by ensuring that LGBTQ+ youth in foster care are treated with dignity and respect.” 

“NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice applauds the introduction of the John Lewis Every Child Deserves a Family Act and urges Congress to pass this necessary legislation into law swiftly. As a person of faith, I know that every person is made in the image and likeness of God,” said Mary J. Novak, executive director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice.  “Children and families who are part of our child welfare system must have their intrinsic dignity recognized in every aspect. Ending discrimination is a moral imperative and critical to protecting the dignity and wellbeing of our families, friends, and neighbors. It is an injustice to deny children and prospective parents the opportunity to create a loving home together because of who they are or who they love. Our faith teaches us that the family can show society how to better care for its members. Discrimination has no place in our communities and neighborhoods, especially when it keeps children from thriving. This legislation is a fitting way to honor Congressman John Lewis’s vision of a country that cares for and supports all people and families. Congress must place this legislation on President Biden’s desk.”

“As Jews, we often pray for a sukkot shalom – a shelter of peace – to be spread over us and all the world so that no one has to live in fear,” said Rabbi Jason Kimelman-Block, Washington Director of Bend the Arc: Jewish Action. “Each one of the over 400,000 children and teens in foster care deserves a loving and caring home, and we must make it easier for them to find that peace by ending discrimination in the foster care system.”

About the Every Child Deserves a Family Campaign

The Every Child Deserves a Family Campaign seeks to end discrimination against LGBTQ+, Two-Spirit (LGBTQ+2S), and religious minority children and families in child welfare.  The Campaign seeks to dramatically improve care for children and families who experience discrimination and worse outcomes in the child welfare system, including those who are BIPOC, LGBTQ+2S, and religious minorities, as well as those with disabilities.

Family Equality, PFLAG National, True Colors Inc. and Voice for Adoption co-chair the National Policy Coalition of the Every Child Deserves a Family Campaign.

About Family Equality

Family Equality advances legal and lived equality for LGBTQ+ families and those who wish to form them through building community, changing hearts and minds, and driving policy change. Family Equality believes every LGBTQ+ person should have the right and opportunity to form and sustain a loving family, regardless of who they are or where they live. Learn more at

About PFLAG National

PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, parents and families, and allies. With over 400 chapters and nearly 250,000 members and supporters crossing multiple generations of families in major urban centers, small cities, and rural areas across America, PFLAG is committed to creating a world where diversity is celebrated, and all people are respected, valued and affirmed. To learn more, visit, like us on Facebook (/pflag), or follow us on Twitter (@pflag) or Instagram

About True Colors United

True Colors United implements innovative solutions to youth homelessness that focus on the unique experiences of LGBTQ young people. Through a broad array of training and education, youth action, technical assistance, and advocacy programs, True Colors United is creating a world where all young people can be their true selves. Learn more at

About Voice for Adoption

Voice for Adoption advocates, educates and collaborates to advance federal policies that promote and sustain permanence for children and youth in foster care. We envision a day when all children and youth in foster care in the U.S. will have safe, loving, supported, and permanent families. 

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