Family Spotlight: The Choiniere Family

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Amanda and Cliff Choiniere express great pride in the children who came to them nine years ago through foster care adoption. They write: “Bella, age 13, is smart, sassy, compassionate, creative, and athletic. Ben, age 9, is loving, compassionate, athletic, and full of energy. Both of our children bring so much joy to everyone who encounters them.”

Amanda and Cliff are thankful for the post-adoption services in their community. Both children receive mental health services for trauma-related diagnoses. Benjamin receives services for educational needs and social skills development. The entire family has participated in post-adoption counseling. “It has taught us all better communication and coping skills.” Adoption Rhode Island was helpful to them before, during, and after the adoption. In fact, they were so impressed with the agency that Amanda has accepted employment there.

The Choinieres’ are Rhode Island residents, their story was sponsored by Senator Jack Reed!
To read more about the Choinieres’ family, check out our blog!


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