Family Spotlight: The Clore Family

After having had four children, Akella and Emmit had no intentions of expanding their family. Emmit was helping to support his two sons who resided with their mothers in a different state. He and Akella were busy and content raising their two daughters, De'ja and Ka'ia.

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Believing that their family was complete, the compassionate Clores decided to explore programs in which their skills might benefit children in difficult situations. They became particularly interested in mentoring. Akella laughingly explains how they ended up adding five more children to their family. “We became mentors and we took it to the next level.” De’ja and Ka’ia were ages 7 and 5 when Akella started mentoring; and they were in their teens when, years later, their parents became foster parents.

The Clore's are Georgia residents, their story was sponsored by Senator Johnny Isakson!
To read more about the Clore family, check out our blog!


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