Family Spotlight: Meet the John Family!

Childhood impressions can be long-lasting. Reading “The Family that Nobody Wanted” as a young girl inspired Tammy John’s decision to adopt someday. In more recent years, she and husband Frank would feel the tug on their parental hearts whenever they saw a “Wednesday’s Child” TV segment. Then, when their youngest child Spencer, at age 9, expressed the wish for a younger brother, the couple decided that “someday” had arrived.

With 6 children ages 9-23, Tammy and Frank expanded their family by taking in two young children: Jonathan, age 2 -1/2, and his baby brother Carsten, almost 1. These little guys brought new challenges to these experienced parents.

The Johns family resides in Colorado, and their story was sponsored by Senator Michael Bennet!

Visit their blog to read the rest of their story!


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