Adoptions from Foster Care Continue Their Recent Downward Trend

According to the latest preliminary AFCARS data from the Children’s Bureau for FY 2022, released March 20, the number of children awaiting adoption and number of children adopted from foster care have reached their lowest levels since 2015. The number of children awaiting adoption dropped to 109,000, down 5,000 from the previous year and 17,000 (13.5%) since its recent peak of 126,000 in 2018. The number of children adopted from foster care in FY 2022 was 53,700, down 500 from the previous year and 12,500 (18.9%) from its recent peak of 66,200 in 2019.


Children’s Bureau Finalizes Rules for LGBTQI+ Youth


Congress Funds Research on Evidence-Based Post-Adoption Services, Other Adoption Priorities